Monthly Archives: April 2011

Self Healing – The Power of Your Words

In my last article I discussed self healing in general and in this article I want to take things a step further and focus on one of the ways in which you can heal yourself.  In this article I want to discuss the power of words; your words.

Words are so powerful and the words you speak about yourself have the power to transform your health and body.  Affirmations are words that you speak in the present tense that can help to heal your body and change your life.


Self Healing – The Power To Heal Yourself

Deep within us all is the ability to heal.  Our bodies are in fact self healing whether you want to believe this or not.  When someone is diagnosed with an illness or disease they choose whether they want to heal or not.  This may not be done on a conscious level but it is a decision that is made.  The word disease is really dis-ease and this means that you body is in a state of dis-ease; something within the body doesn’t feel right.
