Publishing Success – Mused BellaOnline Literary Review

publishing success

Today I am celebrating another publishing success. My poem titled, “The Book” has been published in the Summer 2016 edition of the Mused BellaOnline Literary Review. This was my second time to submit to this magazine and I am delighted to be featured alongside some great writers.

A couple of years ago I sent a poem to this literary magazine and received a very nice rejection letter so I was thrilled when my work was accepted this time around.

The mission of this literary magazine is to showcase original work of talented women and men in traditional and experimental modes. They publish a new magazine every quarter and are currently open for submissions for their Autumn edition.  They accept artwork, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays. You can find out more by viewing their submission guidelines.

Below is a screen shot of my poem and the magazine can be purchased from their website.

Amanda J Evans - The Book

Publishing Success Means Keep Trying

As I celebrate my publishing success today I am reminded that I would never have gotten here if I didn’t keep trying. Rejection letters and emails are difficult to deal with and they can really knock your confidence but when you get that first acceptance letter and see your work in print it makes all those rejection letters worthwhile.

I am really looking forward to receiving my print copy of Mused so that I can add it to my bookshelf. I have a special shelf in Mused BellaOnline Literary Review Summer 2016my office where I keep books that feature my work. This is my success shelf and I love looking at it and reminding myself what I have achieved over the years. Sometimes, like everyone else, I doubt myself and my creative ability and when this happens I sit and look at my success shelf and remind myself that all the books and magazines on this shelf contain my writing.

It can be hard to remain positive when rejections keep coming in but you have to remember that every magazine has a different editor with different tastes in writing. What one likes another might not and your job is to find the editor that loves your work. If you get a personal rejection letter be sure to pay attention to any comments they might have made that might help you improve on your piece. Editors do not have to send personal rejections so if you get one take it as a compliment, your work caught their attention and they are trying to help you perfect it.

I am planning a special dinner this evening to celebrate my latest publishing success and I hope to be writing a lot more of these posts in the future.

Until next time,




2 comments on “Publishing Success – Mused BellaOnline Literary Review

  1. Petra Omoregie

    Congratulation! That is amazing news 🙂 Well done! I have a wall with my art work and I do the same like you do with your bookshelf. I keep a framed copy or a print on canvas from nearly all my paintings. Enjoy the celebration 🙂

    1. Amanda J Evans

      Thanks Petra, it’s lovely to be able to look at your own work in print or as in your case in a frame or on canvas.


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