
The Importance of Balance in Life

balance is the key to happiness

The sun has come out to visit today and it has made me so grateful that I work from home and am in charge of my own schedule. It wasn’t always this way and I did begin my adult working life in a 9 to 5 job where I stayed for ten years. I always had a passion for writing but at that stage I wasn’t aware of the fact that I could get paid to write and the internet was still relatively new. There were no blogs back then. Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist either. I’m pretty sure there was no MySpace or even Bebo when I was out working. Gosh, it makes me feel old now.


There’s More To Life Than Work

One of the biggest lessons I have learned over the past ten years is that balance is essential.

As a writer, my brain never seems to shut down. I am always writing or thinking about what I am going to write. It is like a non-stop merry-go-round. I am not just an author, I am also a freelance writer which means that a lot of my time is spent on client projects (these pay the bills). The problem with this however, is that I find I am always looking for time to spend on my own writing projects. The day goes by, the client work gets done, but there is no time left for my own writing. This is what has happened with my blogs and the half finished manuscripts sitting on my laptop.
