Asylum Anthology is Live Featuring Stolen Identity

The Asylum Anthology which features my story Stolen Identity went live on Monday afternoon and is available for the special release price of just 99c for this week only. I’m really excited about this one as it’s my first time to write for a shared world anthology and historical fiction is a new genre for me. Below is the cover, details about the anthology, and some info on my story.

Asylum Anthology

Asylum Anthology by Perfectly Poisoned Press

This is a historical fiction anthology and the synopsis is:

The year is 1890. The Barrow Haven Asylum is a private facility in rural England housing some of the country’s wealthiest insane. Some inmates are truly insane, some banished by family members, others perhaps feigning insanity and with questionable agendas.

Ten stories of shock and suspense brought to you by ten of your favorite authors.

The authors are: Natalie-Nicole Bates, Marie Sterling, Terri A. Wilson, Amanda J Evans, Lisa Acerbo, Sheri Lynn, J. A. Cummings, Jennie L. Morris, J. V. Stanley, and Jo Seysener.

It is available in ebook and paperback

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Reviews are really Positive So Far

It’s always scary when a new book is released. My mind goes into overdrive. What if readers hate it? I imagine it’s the same for all authors out there, but waiting for those first reviews to come in is so stressful. I’m so happy to say that the first review to come from a blogger was wonderfully positive. Noelle from the Banshee Irish Horror Blog wrote an in depth post and included a short review of each of the stories in the Asylum Anthology so if you’d like to know more be sure to check it out. It has definitely put me at ease and I can now enjoy release week.

Stolen Identity – My Story in the Asylum Anthology

Stolen Identity is the title of the story I have in the Asylum Anthology. This is a kind of prince and the pauper retelling but with female characters. Here’s the blurb and what my cover will be when it is released as a standalone later in the year. Stolen Identity - Asylum Anthology

Two girls
Two different lives
Fated to help each other
But will they both survive?

Seventeen-year olds Emily Brown and Clara Brunsworth are from different worlds. One rich. One poor. While Emily is scouring the streets looking for a way to help feed her family, their two worlds collide.

As their friendship blossoms, Emily agrees to swap places with Clara for one evening. Unfortunately, fate has other plans and Emily ends up imprisoned in Barrow Haven Asylum where secrets and dark family history is revealed.

Can Emily uncover the truth before it’s too late?

Can she become the girl she loathes, or will Barrow Haven and its tortures trap her forever?

Find out in this prince and the pauper style retelling from award winning author Amanda J Evans.

You can read Stolen Identity now in the Asylum Anthology.

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Writing for a Shared World Anthology

If you’re interested in know more about what it takes to write a story for a shared world anthology, I wrote an article for on how to write for a shared world anthology that explains about my process of writing Stolen Identity, the research that was required, and how vital communication was.

Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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