Grisham House Part 6

We’re at the half-way mark today. Who is Lady Winthorpe and will she put a damper on Cathy’s plans? Quite a few questions need to be answered now.

Grisham House Part 6

Grisham House Part 6

Melissa, Lady Winthorpe, a tall woman, dressed immaculately in what I could only describe as a dress out of the Victorian ages bounced through the door. Her blonde hair was perfectly caught up with tendrils of curls falling around her face. The corset of her emerald green dress not only drew attention to her ample chest, it complemented her eyes and made them sparkle. My drab grey cotton shift itched as it hung against my body, shapeless – lifeless. I rubbed my hands against the rough material.

“Eric, darling. How are you?”

Even her voice was sugar sweet. My jaws clenched as she embraced him, and I saw him blush.

“Dreadful weather as always. When are you going to leave this awful place? It tires me to come here you know that.” She sat on the chair – my chair, the one I’d sat on night after night as Eric inched his way into my heart. “Where’s the tea. Hurry along, girl.”

It took me a moment to realise she was talking to me.

“Honestly, Eric. I don’t know why you insist on taking in waifs and strays. Tea,” she said, shaking her head at me.

My gaze fell on Eric, but he looked away as If I didn’t exist. Peckham smirked as I left.

When I returned with the tea tray they were standing together by the fire in my spot. Peckham had left. Melissa’s head rested on Eric’s chest and his arms were wrapped around her waist. My chest tightened and my eyes stung.

Eric had his back to me, but Melissa smirked obviously noting the look of devastation on my face. “On the table,” she said.

The cups rattled on the tray as I placed them down. I waited for Eric to say something, anything to acknowledge my presence.

“What are you still doing here? Leave.”

She laughed as I opened the door. “Seriously, Eric. A love-sick puppy. What have you been saying to your staff?”

My fingernails pierced my tender palms as I forced back the tears and climbed the stairs. How dare she? Why didn’t Eric say something? As I curled in a ball on my bed, my heart aching, I hated him and her. I wanted to go home. My phone was still out of use but I’d heard Peckham on the house phone yesterday. The line was working again. I had my decision made before I had time to rationalise it. I dialled home, each intonation took forever and when the call connected, I waited. Two rings, three, four, five. No answer. Mom’s voicemail. Footsteps approached from my left. I dropped the receiver and scarpered up the stars. Crouched low on the landing, I saw them. Eric and Melissa strolling arm in arm towards the front door. He smiled at her, the small dimples and deep brown eyes fixed on their prize. “My smile,” I whispered through gritted teeth as I listened to her laugh. Like claws on a windowpane, it raked through me. Then he kissed her, long and hard, the way I’d imagined he would kiss me, the way he almost had so many nights before pulling back. I couldn’t bear to watch any longer.

My sleep was plagued with images of a girl in white and a black shadow chasing her. It was me. I was the girl in white but no matter how hard I looked I couldn’t see who was chasing me. Laughter echoed around me as I stumbled through the darkness. Branches of trees reaching out, scratching and tearing my skin. A warm breath on the back of my neck – a sickly, soured tang forcing its way into my nostrils. Something grabbed my leg and I crashed to the ground. He was on top of me – the monster, snarling, teeth snapping. My eyes refused to open – the hot breath so close, I could almost taste it. Sharp claws gripped my arms, my soft skin opening. I screamed.

“Shush, Cathy. It’s me. It’s Eric.”

I blinked repeatedly, focusing on the shadow above me. “Eric! What are you doing here?”

“I need your help. You’re the only one I can trust.”

I sat up and pushed my dark curls away from my face. He was really here, in my bedroom. My heart pounded. He’d come for me. I remembered Melissa and their kiss. I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. He sensed my unease and took my hand in his. Warmth, familiarity, and kindness washed through me.

“Will you help me, Cathy, please?”

I’d never heard him say please before. It sounded strange coming from his lips. “What is it?” I peered up into his eyes.

He shook his head. “I don’t know where to begin. Everything is such a mess and I can’t see a way out.” He raked a hand through his hair. It was tossed and uncontrolled. Another look I’d not seen before. I was about to question him further when I heard it, a low sobbing coming from outside my door. I flinched and tightened my fingers around his. He raised them to his lips. My body trembled as I locked eyes with him. The crying moved past my door and Eric exhaled long and loud.

“What was that?”

He lowered his head, his shoulders slumped forward. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

Eric looked around my small room before standing and moving towards the window. “Come see for yourself.”

It was hard to see through the ever-present fog that hung around Grisham House. Eric pointed to my left. “Watch.”

I peered into the gloom. Something white floated into my view. A girl running and slipping. My hand flew to my mouth. It was the same girl. There was a howl and a black shape bounded into view – chasing her.

“We have to help her.”

Eric leaned his head against the glass. “Watch and then I’ll explain it all.”

I watched, the same as before. The girl running, trying to escape from whatever monster was chasing her. She was about to enter the woods when she stumbled and fell. The creature was on top of her in seconds. Eric trembled beside me. I reached for his hand. It was cold and clammy, but he returned my grip. The girl screamed, the sound piercing my eardrums and reverberating through my entire body. I knew that sound. My gaze shot to Eric, but he was watching her. In the split second I’d looked away, the girl and the monster vanished.

“Where did she go?”

Eric shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I’ve never been able to figure it out. She’s there and then nothing.”

“You’ve seen her before? Who is she? What’s the thing chasing her?”

Eric sighed. “There’s a lot you don’t know about Grisham House, and I hoped you’d never find out.”

My mouth went dry. Words stuck in my throat and my attention moved between the window and the man beside me. “Is she why you need my help?”

Eric took my hands in his. “Do you believe in fate?”

Did I? I’d never given it much thought before.

“I do,” he continued. “And fate has brought you here to free me from this cursed place. You are the light in my darkness, Cathy, and I need you to save me.”

“I…um…I’m not sure I understand.”

“Can we sit?” Eric motioned to the bed. “I’d like to tell you my story. You can decide then.”


Below are the links to the previous instalments and if you don’t want to wait until tomorrow, you can pop over to Amazon where you can purchase the complete story on Kindle for 99c/77p.

Grisham House Part 1
Grisham House Part 2
Grisham House Part 3
Grisham House Part 4
Grisham House Part 5

Buy Grisham House on Kindle:
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Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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