Author Interviews

Interview with Author Mary Bradford @marytbrad #Irishauthor #AuthorInterview

Today on my blog, I’m delighted to bring you an interview with another Irish author Mary Bradford. Mary has kindly taken the time out of her busy writing schedule to answer my questions and I hope you’ll all enjoy learning more about her.

Author Mary Bradford


Author Interview with Sharon Thompson @sharontwriter #Indulgeinwriting #womenwriters #WritersWise #writerslife

Today on my blog I’m delighted to introduce you all to a wonderful Irish writer and friend, Sharon Thompson. Sharon is widely known in the Irish writing scene and her first novel released in January this year with a bestseller tag. How amazing is that? Anyway, I’ll let Sharon tell you all about herself and her writing journey.

Sharon Thompson


Interview with Author Pamela G Hobbs @pamelaghobbs #irishauthor #AuthorInterview

Today on my blog, I’m delighted to bring you an interview with fellow Irish author Pamela G Hobbs. Pamela has kindly answered all my questions and I hope you all enjoy learning more about her.

Roman Holiday by Pamela G Hobbs


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Lj Ryan @authorljryan for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Lj Ryan. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Lj and be sure to check out her books.

Lj Ryan


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Simon Bourke for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Simon Bourke. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Simon and be sure to check out his book.

Simon Bourke


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Derek Power @jestersbauble for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Derek Power. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Derek and be sure to check out his books.

Derek Power


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Ellie Rose McKee @EllieRose101 for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Ellie Rose McKee. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Ellie and be sure to check out her books.

Ellie Rose McKee


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Robert McLoughlin for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Robert McLoughlin. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Robert and be sure to check out his books.

Robert McLoughlin


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Terry HIckland @Charland74 for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Terry Hickland. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Terry and be sure to check out his books.

On Marion Place by Terry Hickland


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with K.A Denver @K_A_Denver for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to K A Denver. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Kathy and be sure to check out her books.

Fallen by K A Denver
