
Interview with Author C.A. King

Today on my blog I’m delighted to have author C.A. King.

Author C.A. King Interview Questions

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

PrideSmallC.A. King was born and raised in Halton County. She currently resides in Brantford, Ontario, Canada with her two sons.


Interview With Author Richard Crofton

Author Interviews
Today on my blog I’m delighted to have author Richard Crofton. Richard writes supernatural thrillers and horror novels and I’ll let him tell you all about that in the interview below.


The Page A Day Writing Challenge and Why It Works

Page A Day ChallengeIt’s been a busy writing year for me and today I wanted to talk about the Page A Day Writing Challenge and how it helped me to write the novel I’d always dreamed of.


Interview With Author Karen Glista

Author InterviewsToday on my blog I’m delighted to introduce Author Karen Glista. I’m actually reading Karen’s book Embellished at the moment and it’s really good, so I was chuffed when she agreed to take part in my author interview series. I hope you enjoy finding out about Karen and I’ve included her book Embellished and buy links at the bottom of this post.


Interview with Author Gwendolyn Druyor

Author InterviewsToday on my blog, I’m delighted to have author Gwendolyn Druyor. Gwendolyn writers fantasy novels and I have to say; I’ve really enjoyed reading her Mobious’ Quest series. I won’t give too much away as she gives away plenty in her interview below. I hope you enjoy it.


Interview with Author Jim Mosquera

Author InterviewsToday I am delighted to have an interview with author Jim Mosquera on my blog. Jim writes thrillers and non-fiction books and I’ll let him tell you all about this below.


Interview with Author Lissa Dobbs

Author InterviewsToday on my blog I’m delighted to introduce author Lissa Dobbs. Lissa has answered all my questions below and I hope you are as impressed as I am.


A Visit From Grandma – Visual Verse Publication

Visual Verse March 2017I’m delighted to announce a new publication on Visual Verse. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I absolutely love their monthly picture prompts and try my best to take part each month. The aim is to look at the picture and then give yourself 1 hour to write up to 500 words. The picture changes every month and they publish submitted pieces throughout the month so be sure to check back often. I have found that they tend to publish most pieces on a Friday.


Interview with Author M.E. Rhines

Author InterviewsToday I’m excited to bring you an interview with author M.E. Rhines. I won’t say too much, I’ll let her do that. J

M.E. Rhines Author Interview


Longshot Island Magazine Open For Submissions

Longshot Island Magazine ReviewLongshot Island Magazine Review

Longshot Island magazine is relatively new and I had the pleasure of reading the first issue. On their website, you’ll find plenty of information including:
