
Mermaids Shouldn’t Run – A Short Romantic Comedy

I’m delighted to announce the publication of a new short story. Mermaids Shouldn’t Run is a romantic comedy that readers found hilarious and begged me to put up on Kindle. I listened and added it yesterday. Below is the blurb and the links for purchase. It’s $0.99 and Free to read on Kindle Unlimited.

Mermaids Shouldn’t Run – A Short Romantic Comedy

A fancy dress party, a mermaid outfit, and 5-inch stilettos. Sounds like fun but for Miranda, it was anything but.


Book of the Month February 2017

Book of the MonthWelcome to my new “Book of the Month” post. As a writer, I read a lot, so I thought it would be a great idea to share my favorites. I tend to read at least 4 or more books each month. Some I love, some I don’t. What I want to do with this post is share my favorite book from those I’ve read each month. I’m hoping it will help you find some great new reads. Today’s post is my book of the month for February and it’s my pleasure to announce that it’s Midnight Rose by Author Dani Hart.


Author Interview with Sarah Dunster

Author InterviewsWelcome to my new Author Interview series. Today I have Sarah Dunster who has kindly agreed to answer my questions. I am hoping that this will be a new weekly feature here on my blog, so be sure to keep an eye out for your favorite author.


Save Her Soul Coming Soon

Save Her Soul Amanda J EvansYesterday I wrote those words that every writer loves – The End. Yes, that’s right, the writing for Save Her Soul has been completed and four notebooks later the story has been told. My next task is to type up my manuscript before the editing process starts. I’ve really enjoyed writing this story and for those that don’t know, it’s a paranormal romance. The cover has been designed and I love it. I will be offering all my newsletter subscribers a sneak peak at the cover in my March newsletter so if you haven’t subscribed yet, be sure to do it now.


Publishing Contract and New Book Coming Soon

Publishing DealJust a quick update on the blog today to share some news and let you know what is going on in my writing world.

Last week I started a new feature on the blog called “Freebie Friday”. This is where I will be posting a selection of free books for my readers. These books will either be free or free to read on Kindle Unlimited. I’m hoping it will be a great success. I also want to point out that the free books will not be Instafreebie links where you have to sign up to a newsletter to download the book. These are books that you just click on and read.


Book Marketing Tips for New Authors

Book Marketing TipsAs you know, I released my first fiction novel on the 31st of January 2017, so I thought it would be a good idea create a post on book marketing tips for new authors. I’ll be honest, writing the book really was the easiest part and learning all about marketing and putting everything into practice can take up a great deal of time. Here’s what I learned from the process.


Interview with Copywriter and Editor Enda Sheppard

Interview with Enda SheppardI’m delighted to bring you a new interview and today I have the pleasure of introducing Enda Sheppard. Enda is a copywriter and editor and I’ll let him explain more about this in the questions that follow. I am always looking for new people to interview on my blog; authors, editors, freelance writers, etc., so if you’d like to feature, drop me and email and I’ll see what I can do.


Finding Forever Pre-orders Live

A very short and quick post to let you know that Pre-orders are live at a special launch price of just $0.99 from the links below. The paperback version has been ordered so once I approve my copy, this will go live too on the 31st January 2017.

Finding Forever Cover Reveal


How to Create Advanced Review Copies of Your eBook

Creating ARCs for Your eBook
These past two weeks have been extremely busy for me in the lead-up to the publication of my first fiction book. Finding Forever was a joy to write and it reminded me of why I love to write. Romance is a particular love of mine so being able to create a story that fulfilled this was so important. I have, to be honest, though, writing the book was the easiest part. Marketing and getting my work noticed is proving to be a lot more difficult.


Finding Forever Cover Reveal

The day has finally arrived for me to reveal the cover of my new book Finding Forever. It’s a romantic suspense novella and my first fiction book to be released. There’s a lot of work that goes into releasing a book and I have, to be honest, the writing is the easiest part. So without further ado, here’s the book cover.

Finding Forever Cover Reveal
