
How to Stay Positive Around Negative People

how to stay positive around negative people
Today I want to share some information that is part of the book on Switchwords that I am currently working on. It is about the power of words and how to stay positive around negative people.


Book Reviews 2016 – A Thousand Boy Kisses

In the last couple of weeks I read two excellent books that I am adding to my best book reviews 2016 list. The first of these is A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole. The second is Reckless by Maggie Shayne.  Below are my reviews for these books.

A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole (Book Reviews 2016)

A Thousand Boy Kisses Tillie Cole


Spiritual Musings: My Thoughts and Options

Do you Believe

Today on my blog I wanted to share some spiritual musing with everyone. If you have read my about me page you will know that I love the Law of Attraction and follow a lot of the spiritual teachings of people like Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, etc. I am a big fan of Hay House and the books they publish too.  While I was thinking about what to post on my blog today, I came across a document on my laptop called “Spiritual Musing”. After reading through it, I felt it would be appropriate for my blog today. I hope you enjoy it.


How To Stay Motivated When You Work From Home

How to stay MotivatedToday I wanted to talk about how to stay motivated when you work from home. First off I have to say, working from home is amazing. I am my own boss and I have the freedom to work when I want. There is however one downfall to all of this and that is staying motivated and getting everything done. There are so many distractions. There’s the housework and of course there’s Facebook, that all-consuming time waster. I have on occasion browsed Facebook for hours just because I could.


Take The Time To Celebrate Your Accomplishments

celebrate your accomplishments

I have taken the day off work today to celebrate.  My daughter, Emma, aged 12 attended an awards ceremony this morning and I have to admit, I am beaming with pride. Emma and her entire class took part in the Navan Education Centre Write A Poem 2016 competition along with other schools from Co. Meath and Co. Louth.  She won the female entry for her school and we were invited to attend the award’s ceremony this morning where she was presented with a certificate and a copy of the published anthology that features her poem and the picture she drew to accompany it.


Why Making Time For Your Passion is So Important

Sun Smiling

image credit:

Today as I am writing my blog post, the sun is shining, and the church bell is chiming to let me know it’s 12:00. The thought of sitting inside writing all day is deflating. I can hear the school children, cheering each other on – it’s sports day today and I have promised my children I will come across to the football field to watch them at lunch time. It is on days like this that I hate the fact that I have to work. I know I work for myself and can take the time off, but I just seem to be so busy lately.  It happens every now and again and I feel it building, the resentment, the boredom, and the longing to be working on my own writing. Today though I have to put those feelings aside and catch up on the work that pays my bills.


Banish Money Worries By Focusing On The Red

base chakra and money

image credit:

In today’s post I want to talk about money and the base chakra. Both are very much related. If you struggling to make ends meet, worried that you won’t ever have the money you dream of having, or blaming the ecomony for your financial situation, then this article can help. The truth is that the solution to your money problems lies within you – in your base chakra to be exact.


My latest 5* Book Reviews for April/May 2016

Following on from yesterday’s post about helping authors by writing book reviews, I thought I would share my latest 5* book reviews for April/May 2016.  I tend to read quite a lot, but I only share books that I love. Below are the books that really stood out for me over the past two months. One is a complete series, the others although part of a series are all standalone reads.

Eternal Love: The Immortal Witch Series (Immortal Witches #1, 2 & 3)


How to Help Authors: Book Reviews

how to help authors book reviewIn today’s post I wanted to talk about how to help authors by writing book reviews. There are so many books out there now and especially with the introduction of eBooks. How do you choose what to read? If I go into a bookstore it’s the cover that will attract my attention first. After that I read the back cover to see what the book is about, and if I’m still interested, I will open the book on a random page and start reading. Why do I do this? I like to see if a random page will draw me in enough to buy the book. I also like to see the writing style of the author.


Publishing Success Story – My Poems in Print

publishing success stories

Publishing Success – Having Your Writing Accepted

Life takes over some times and I for one am not immune to this. My blog has lain here dormant for quite some time now and I do apologise to those who subscribed to receive updates.  It has been a very busy year so far with work and clients and my time seems to have been spent on this and family. I’m not complaining though, life is good, great in fact, and I am just now getting back to doing what I love most and that is writing. In doing that I want to share my latest publishing success story.
