
To Succeed You Need To Make Your Writing Important

success in writing

One of the things I have been looking at doing for a while now is making my writing important. It has always been my dream to write books. It is something that I have always wanted to do. Why, haven’t I done it? I never made my writing important enough. There have been times where I have made my writing important and the results have been amazing.


Working For Yourself and Illness

self employted and sickness

Yesterday morning I pulled a muscle in my neck and let me tell you, the pain is excruciating. It’s a constant pain and you wouldn’t believe how much you actually move your head during the course of the day. I was so grateful that yesterday was a bank holiday and that my husband was at home to help. There was no school and no work to be done. I did however do some research into neck muscle stains and how to relieve the pain. It turns out there are five different acupressure points that you can stimulate to relieve the pain, and again I was so grateful that it was a bank holiday and Joe was at home to help me with this. I spent the day doing neck stretches and resting.


Reduce Stress, Listen To Your Body and Relax

relax for less stress

There are days when we all need a break. Days when we need to slow down and take things easy. There are also days when we need to give ourselves a little push to get things done. I have these days and I have found that when I truly listen to myself, I know when it is a day where I need to push myself or a day when it is important for me to just relax and take some time out for me. There are times when we all work too hard, no matter what our job is, and we need to take some time to chill out and relax.


Your Beliefs Are What Determines Your Achievements


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Today I want to look once again at beliefs, only this time in relation to achievements and under achievements. Before I get into it, there are some questions that I want you to pose to yourself. You really do need to answer these as truthfully as you can and without judgement. We are not here to judge ourselves but to learn about our beliefs and how they are affecting our success. So with that in mind, here are the questions:


Setting Weekly Goals and Staying Motivated

Setting Goals

Setting weekly goals and then staying motivated each day so that you reach them is harder than you might think. There are some techniques that you can apply to make things easier. One of these relates to the day on which you actually set your weekly goals. A lot of people presume they should set their goals on a Monday morning, but I have found that it is actually easier to plan your weekly goals on a Sunday. The reason, I feel, is because I am always much more relaxed on a Sunday. I am not rushing to get things done and I am not aware of the amount of time I am spending thinking about my weekly goals. I can sit and relax and think calmly about what I would like to complete in the coming week.


Self-Publishing – It’s A Choice Only You Can Make

self publishing

I am very aware that today’s post might have a lot of mixed reactions and that’s okay. Today I want to talk about self-publishing and give my views on whether I think it is a cop out or not. Please remember that these are my views only and no matter whether you choose to look for a publishing contract with one of the big six or go it on your own and self-publish, it really doesn’t matter. The end result is that you have a completed book that is now available for public consumption.


Reframing Your Fears and Shaking The Hand of Success

reframing fear

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No matter what type of success you strive for, you will at some stage have to take action and step out of your comfort zone. You will have to face your fears and just go for it. If you don’t, your dreams will always remain dreams and your success will never materialise.


Distraction Free Writing – When You Need To Get Things Done

distraction free writing

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The internet is the most amazing invention ever. It connects everyone all over the world with just the click of a button or swipe of a screen. It is packed full of useful information and for a writer, this can be heaven. The instant connection can also be hell. There is always a distraction with the internet and the dawn of social media has made this even worse. With Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and more, there is always something to distract you and take your attention. I’ve said it so many times, “I’ll just check Facebook before I start on my next article”. An hour later I am still scrolling my newsfeed, sharing inspirational quotes, replying to messages, posting in groups and so on. My article has been forgotten and before I know it, it is time to pick my kids up from school. My day has gone by and I am left totally stressed out and running around all afternoon trying to catch up.


Are Your Beliefs Stopping Your From Living The Life You Want?


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Today I am back in research mode as I begin work on my next non-fiction book. The book itself is all about Switchwords and how amazing they are for enhancing your life and helping you manifest what it is you desire. I have been using switchwords for over a year now and have had some amazing results including manifesting a new house, increasing the amount of money I earn, bringing about additional lump sums when I need them, weight loss, changing habits, and so much more. The first chapter of my new book is going to focus on the power of words and how our thoughts and words greatly affect our lives. It got me to really thinking about beliefs and how they can impact our lives and our health. There is a lovely quote from Christopher Reeve that says:


The Importance of Balance in Life

balance is the key to happiness

The sun has come out to visit today and it has made me so grateful that I work from home and am in charge of my own schedule. It wasn’t always this way and I did begin my adult working life in a 9 to 5 job where I stayed for ten years. I always had a passion for writing but at that stage I wasn’t aware of the fact that I could get paid to write and the internet was still relatively new. There were no blogs back then. Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist either. I’m pretty sure there was no MySpace or even Bebo when I was out working. Gosh, it makes me feel old now.
