
On Finishing The First Draft Of Your Book

writing your first draft

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Yesterday I shared a very informative article on Facebook from fellow Irish writer Catherine Ryan Howard. The article was titled “how to your damn book” and the link is for those who want to check it out. Catherine made some very valid points about writing but there was one that I wasn’t entirely in agreement with. As she does point out, not everyone writes the same and not everyone will agree with her tips. I am one of them to a certain degree.


My Experience with The 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge

weight loss challenge

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Yesterday, I spoke about the journey to smoke freedom that I had been on this past year. I also mentioned the weight gain I had experienced too. Today I want to tell you about one method that I have been using to help me shed the pounds that have crept up. This method isn’t a diet or starvation technique. It’s not a “spend an hour at the gym everyday” method either. This is actually a natural method to weight loss that actually makes a great deal of sense and works.


Overcoming Obstacles and Reaching Goals

It’s been a year of changes for me. My biggest achievement being the fact that I am now officially a non-smoker. I am absolutely thrilled with this as I have been smoking since I was 15. Now I know that if you have never smoked you probably won’t get why I am so thrilled with this achievement, but for those that know the struggles faced when quitting this dreadful habit, I just wanted to say thanks for all your support and kind words.


Making Decisions – You Can Do It

Yes You Can

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I have been working really hard over the past couple of months on a wonderful ghostwriting project that is nearing completion.  This is an amazing book, by an amazing lady and I can wait to see her reap the rewards for all her hard work.  I have also been working on one of my own books which is a book of 365 inspirational quotes that I hope to have completed by the end of October.


Beyond The Pale: Dark Fantasy Anthology Review

I was delighted to receive an advance copy of this book in return for my honest opinion. First off, I have to say that I love fantasy and it has always been a favourite genre of mine. This book is a compilation of short stories, something I very seldom read. I was a little apprehensive but I’m glad I received this book and it has changed my opinion of short stories completely. I always thought of short stories as being too short to actually capture the mind or attention. I didn’t feel that they would build the characters or allow me to become engrossed. I was terribly wrong and Beyond the Pale has proven that to me.


Blogging Should Be Fun



As you probably noticed, my blog has been really lacking posts this year. There is one main reason for this, and that is that blogging stopped being fun.

Since 2004, I have been working as a content writer and for the most part, this involves keeping up to date with Google algorithm changes, learning search engine optimisation, and ensure that the content I write for my clients gets results.  Because of this, I found myself constantly searching for witty titles, ensuring that keywords were incorporated into my posts, and more. Eventually my blog which had been my fun escape became more like a chore.  I didn’t want to spend the time searching for relevant images, adding meta data, coming up with keyword enriches, catchy titles, or researching endlessly for statistics and data.  The purpose of my blog was a creative outlet and I lost that.


New House, New Office and New Website

Positive Changes


It’s been a very busy couple of months for me and my family.  We have moved house and in doing so, I received a fabulous new office.  This is a lovely, large, open plan area upstairs in our new home.  It is an attic conversion room, with plenty of sky lights and amazing views over the countryside.  It really is just perfect for working in.  I have been asking the universe for my ideal home for quite some time now and I always included my own office space to work from.  Well, it looks like my wish has arrived and I am so excited to be able to work in such a tranquil area away from all the noise and busyness of the rest of the house.


7 Blogging Mistakes that Will Definitely Cripple Your Blog

Today I am delighted to publish a new guest post by Alan Lucas titled 7 Blogging Mistakes that will definitely cripple your blog.  I hope you all enjoy it.

blog failure


3 Ways To Ensure Success In Any Career

Success is something that we all want and in recent years we have seen a change in mindset as being the key component mentioned by many of the top success stories. Scientific research has also shown us that our mindset can directly influence our chance of success.

successJack Canfield’s book The Success Principles: How To Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, a 2003 best-seller selling over 700,000 copies, proves that people want this information, they believe it and they are seeing results. In his book, Jack gives readers 64 principles for success, in this article, we will focus on the three principles that will ensure success in any career.


Why I LOVE the Young Adult Genre

Guest post by bestselling author, Sherry Soule

Today bestselling author, Sherry Soule has some exciting news to share with us! All the previously published books in the Spellbound series have been rewritten and republished with more epic romance and suspenseful thrills. The new versions also include exclusive bonus material and brand new scenes. Even additional scenes from charming, bad-boy, Trent Donovan’s point-of-view! To help promote the new editions, she is doing this awesome book tour to share the update with fellow booklovers.
