
How To Connect With The Inner You

Inner SelfEternal bliss comes from within, from the soul that lives for eternity.  Tapping into this bliss is something that many of us will never achieve.  This bliss is different for everyone because everyone is different.  We are all unique in our own way andit is up to us to discover what our bliss means.  We may have an idea, even an incling, but until we go deep within ourselves it will remain just that.

Many of us never take the time to truly get to know ourselves or find out what makes us tick.  Many of us never take the time to stop and ask ourselves questions.  We are living in an age now where truths are being told and more and more people are open to discovering more about life and its deeper meaning.  Bookshops are filled with spiritual and self help titles all speaking the same message, all telling us that the answers lie within.


Peace Is An Inner Feeling

A Message From The Angels About Peace

Peace is an inner feeling that can be achieved by all. When you focus your intention on peace, a feeling of inner calm will become present.  It is a choice that you can choose to make at any given time.


Life – It Really Is Your Choice

Guardians of LightThis is a lovely message that was channelled by me Amanda J Evans that I wish to share.  It deals with life, destiny and the choices that we make on a daily basis.  I hope you will enjoy what the Guardians of Light have shared with us today.


What Your Problems Really Are

This is another beautiful channeled message that I am so grateful to be able to share with everyone. This message was channeled on the 20th of April by Amanda J Evans and may be republished as long as it remains intact and includes a link back to this website.


Self Healing – The Power of Your Words

In my last article I discussed self healing in general and in this article I want to take things a step further and focus on one of the ways in which you can heal yourself.  In this article I want to discuss the power of words; your words.

Words are so powerful and the words you speak about yourself have the power to transform your health and body.  Affirmations are words that you speak in the present tense that can help to heal your body and change your life.


Self Healing – The Power To Heal Yourself

Deep within us all is the ability to heal.  Our bodies are in fact self healing whether you want to believe this or not.  When someone is diagnosed with an illness or disease they choose whether they want to heal or not.  This may not be done on a conscious level but it is a decision that is made.  The word disease is really dis-ease and this means that you body is in a state of dis-ease; something within the body doesn’t feel right.


Take The First Step

Today I have a poem that I would like to share with everyone.  Again this poem has been channeled by me and it feels like something that the world needs to hear.  It is called “Take the First Step” and I feel it is very appropriate for what is happening in the world today.  It takes about joining together and I think this is something that humanity really needs to do.

Take The First Step


How To Make Your Dreams A Reality

Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream”, but he didn’t just have a dream, he had a dream come true.

We all have dreams and if we believe in them with all our hearts and we follow them with passion, they will come true.

What are your dreams?

Take a few moments to think about this.  Have you followed through on your dreams or have you let them slip away as life took over?  You don’t have to let your dreams slip; you don’t have to brush them away.  Whatever it was, think about it now. Do you still want it?


Gaining A Positive Attitude For Success

If you want to move ahead in life the first thing that you need to do is replace the negative aspects with more positive one.  When you do this you will find that your morale and your productivity increases. By focusing on the positives you will have more success and gain peak performance.

Quite often we are not aware of the amount of negative influences in our lives.  We are constantly bombarded with negative messages from the media, people around us and of course ourselves.


Little Gifts of Sustainable Contentment Reviewed

I had the pleasure of reviewing Connie Good’s latest book and wanted to share my review of it here with you.

Connie Good describes her new book LIttle Gifts of Sustainable Contentment as one minute daily reflections for cultivating mental, emotional, physical and financial well-being and after reading it I really can see why.  The book itself is broken into 7 different chapters that deal with emotional contentment, financial contentment, intellectual contentment, social contentment, occupational contentment, physical contentment and spiritual contentment.  The book also contains a rather inspiring introduction. 
