
Angel Card Of The Day 31st May 2010


Inner Power

The angel card of the day today is inner power.  This card is taken from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cardsby Doreen Virtue PhD.  This card states that you are now allowing yourself to experience and express your true power.  The fairies ask that you use this affirmation:


Focus on Prosperity

Why is it that when you need money the most, it seems the hardest to get your hands on it? The answer is because, most likely, you’ve got most of your attention on the fact that you don’t have enough money. It’s an instant log jam in the money-attraction process and it’ll make anyone a nervous wreck.

I’ve written dozens of articles on creating money and abundance. But I’ll be honest; this article won’t change your money vibe. The best I can do is put a spark of inspiration into your decision-making process and have you get serious about attracting money.
