Author Interviews

#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Jo Zebedee @jozebwrites for #IrishIndieAuthors

Welcome to the second of my weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Jo Zebedee. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Jo and be sure to check out her books.

Jo Zebedee


#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with Pamela Harju @pamelaharju for #IrishIndieAuthors

Welcome to the first of my weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to Pamela Harju. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Pamela and be sure to check out her books.

Pamela Harju


Author Interview: Thomas Welsh – Anna Undreaming

Today on my blog I am delighted to introduce you to Thomas Welsh. Thomas is the author of upcoming urban fantasy novel Anna Undreaming which I’ve had the pleasure of reading and can’t wait to share my review with everyone once it releases. I’m even more excited that Thomas agreed to do an interview for my blog. So without further ado, here’s the interview and below that you’ll find all the details for Anna Undreaming.


Author Interview with J M Davies

Today on my blog I’m delighted to bring you an interview with author J M Davies. I’ll let her introduce herself and answer all my questions.

Interview with Author J M Davies

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

Jennifer Davies AuthorHello everyone, I’m thrilled to be here as a guest author today. Thank you, Amanda Evans, for inviting me for a chat!
