Interview with Author Pamela G Hobbs @pamelaghobbs #irishauthor #AuthorInterview

Today on my blog, I’m delighted to bring you an interview with fellow Irish author Pamela G Hobbs. Pamela has kindly answered all my questions and I hope you all enjoy learning more about her.

Roman Holiday by Pamela G Hobbs

Pamela G Hobbs Author Interview

Tell me a little bit about yourself?

I’m an adult education tutor living in Kilkenny. I grew up in south county Dublin and attended the National College of Art and Design where I got my degree in Graphics and Visual Communications. I taught Art in a secondary school for a number of years before moving to the USA where I lived with my husband and 2 sons for 12 years before returning home.

How long have you been writing?

On and off for years but only seriously since 2015.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Was it a gradual decision or did you just suddenly know?

Always wanted to be a writer but was afraid to give it a shot. Had an idea for a story for years, written in my head, and only gave it a shot when my niece pushed me to enter Novel Fair 2015.

Do you have an agent/publisher and how did you find the experience of getting one?

No. I attempted the agency search a number of years ago and wasn’t successful – I haven’t tried again since but maybe it’s time…. I am self-published via Amazon.

What are your tips for dealing with rejection?

I wish I had some! I’m dreadful with rejection – logically I know it happens to everyone – of course, it does – but I am always flattened when it happens to me. Wish I knew the way around that!

What genres do you write?

Primarily light Romantic Suspense. I have written memoir also (short stories) and have recently written a contemporary romance in a different style – first person, present tense, alternative POV by chapter. But haven’t done a final edit so it’s not quite ready yet….

What is your favourite story or character that you have written?

My present heroine (WIP) is great – she is sassy and feisty but holds so much hurt and betrayal it’s both hard and wonderful to write her journey.

What time of day do you prefer to write?

Evenings – it’s the only time I have clear head space.

Do you have a special writing space?

Yes, I’m lucky to have been able to change a small bedroom into an office just for me – one of the joys of the ‘empty nest’ syndrome!

Do you outline your books ahead of time or just go for it?

Very loose outline – I’m a ‘pantser’ through and through.

Who are your favourite authors?

Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Nora Roberts, Eloisa James, Georgette Heyer, Harlen Coben and Adriana Trigiani– in the light department and Barbara Kingsolver and Ann Patchett for a more literary feel. One of my favourite compliments/reviews was that I was like ‘an Irish Nora Roberts’! I was thrilled.

If you could recommend one book that everyone should read, what would it be?

Room, Emma Donoghue

Your latest book Roman Holiday is a Romantic Suspense what was the inspiration behind it and is there anything you would like readers to know?

I love the mother/son relationship and what that might look like without a father figure – and what would happen when a new man might enter her life – how would they both react? Things do not go according to plan… I like the journey Caro takes as she finally remembers she’s a woman as well as a mum! Plus Rome is one of my favourite cities J

What readers should know is that my books include both swearing and sex! Not everyone is on board with that – and that’s fine. But I’ve had way more positive response than negative so I’ll keep writing in my own ‘voice’!

Is this a series and if so how many books are planned for the series?

Yes, this is Book 2 of the Fitzgerald Family series – although they are both ‘stand alone’s. There are five siblings and I have a story for each of them.

Where can readers find out more about you?

I have an amazon and facebook page – Pamela G Hobbs and a website (poorly taken care of!) and I am on twitter, @pamelaghobbs and Instagram as pamelaghobbs also.

Is there a question I haven’t asked that you would love to answer?

My first book, Family Affairs, was a winner in Novel Fair 2015 and that gave me the impetus to push forward with writing. I love that story so much as it is set in two other places that I love – my hometown of Dalkey and Connemara and it includes an American heroine as a nod to my very happy years spent in the US. Plus, I’m a firm believer in the HEA – happy ever after – to quote another writer – ‘life is too short to read (and in my case, write) depressing books.’

What are your working on now and when is your next book due out?

I’m working on Book 3 in my series – Ali’s story, Just Desserts. I would like to have it ready by early spring 2019 but we shall see….

Roman Holiday: Romantic Suspense by Pamela G Hobbs

Roman Holiday by Pamela G Hobbs

Realising that she can keep her secret no longer, Caro Fitzgerald heads to Rome in search of answers. However, what she discovers is not at all what she expected or indeed, hoped.

Her world is turned upside down when tragic circumstances are revealed and all that she had previously believed to be true turns out to be a lie. But her secrets are not just hers anymore – her son deserves to know the truth, and now – she must break his heart.

With the unwitting involvement of Nick Sullivan, a Hotel Manager and menace to all women – he’s just that handsome – Caro sets out to build new family ties and create a loving home for her boy. Unfortunately, she soon discovers many things, that Nick is absolutely not who he said he was, and that crimes of passion are not just for late night TV viewing…..

Roman Holiday is available now on Amazon in ebook and paperback formats and can be read for free with KindleUnlimited.

Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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