Lost Perfection Published on Visual Verse

I love the Visual Verse website. Every month they have a picture prompt and writers are asked to submit a 500-word piece based on the picture. Your objective is to give yourself an hour and then submit the piece using their online form. I find this a really useful creative exercise and have had a number of pieces published on their site. The picture prompt for December resulted in a poem called Lost Perfection which is now live on their website.

Lost Perfection – A Poem by Amanda J Evans

Below is a screenshot of my poem Lost Perfection based on the picture above. I really enjoyed this one and I love reading all the pieces that make it onto their website each month. It’s amazing to see how differently people interpret the picture.

I also have my own page on the Visual Verse website where you can read all my published pieces to date. Click here to see it. I hope you enjoyed my poem and be sure to stay tuned for a new book announcement coming tomorrow.

Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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