
The Liar’s Daughter by Claire Allan: #bookreview #TheLiarsDaughter @ClaireAllan @AvonBooksUK

Today on my blog I’m thrilled to bring you my review of The Liar’s Daughter, the latest release from Irish crime writer Claire Allan. Below you will find the cover and official blurb followed by my review. I’ve read all of Claire’s crime novels so far and they keep getting better and better.

The Liar's Daughter


#Book Review: Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allan @ClaireAllan @AvonBooksUK

Today is release day for Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allan. I was thrilled to receive an advanced copy of this book from her publishers, Avon, via NetGalley back in March of this year. This is Claire’s debut adventure into writing crime and I know there’s plenty more to come. Below is the book cover and the description followed by my review and buy links.

Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allan
