
Writing Tips : 1 Comparison Kills Creativity

In this weekly series of blog posts, I’m going to focus on writing tips for beginners. These are tips I use in my coaching practice and that I found the most useful for my own writing practice. There will be a weekly image (as below) posted on Instagram along with a blog post, and a live video discussing the tip on my Facebook page.

Writing Tips - 1 Comparison Kills Creativity


The Page a Day Challenge: For Writers That Don’t Have Time

Whenever I’m asked about writing and tips and techniques I recommend, one of the things I always talk about is the Page A Day Challenge. This is the technique that allowed me to write all my novels and books so far and one that I personally feel turned my writing life around.

Page A Day Challenge


Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway #writingtips #amwriting

At the start of September, I made a big decision about my writing. I decided that I would look for an agent and publisher when I finish the novel I’m working on. It was a huge decision and it felt so good to make it. So, good in fact, that I announced it on all my social media platforms. I was on a high. I was following my dreams. And, I felt invincible. Little did I know, that one decision would cause my writing to nearly stop.


Book Review: Writing Into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith #bookreview #pantsing

Today on my blog I want to share my review of Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith. For those who don’t know, this is a non-fiction guidebook all about pantsing. Below you’ll find the book cover and description, followed by my review and a little more from me on my experience as a pantser.

Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith


Plotting vs Pantsing: Do What’s Right For You #writingtips #pantsing #amwriting

Plotting vs pantsing is probably one of the most talked about subjects for new writers. The truth of the matter, as I’m sure you’ll eventually find out, is there is no right or wrong way to write a book.

Plotting vs Pantsing


The Page A Day Writing Challenge and Why It Works

Page A Day ChallengeIt’s been a busy writing year for me and today I wanted to talk about the Page A Day Writing Challenge and how it helped me to write the novel I’d always dreamed of.


Do What You Love and Enjoy It

do what you love and enjoy it

Following on from my last post about handling criticism today and want to talk about doing what you love and enjoying it. I love to write and I enjoy doing it too but that doesn’t mean I go for my dreams and goals all the time. I’m learning though and that is the main thing. Sometimes it’s all about focus and mindset and this has been a stumbling block for me. One negative criticism and I found myself ditching my writing and sitting down in front of the TV watching mind numbing crap. Why? I felt I wasn’t good enough. I shouldn’t be spending my time writing fiction or poetry because I’m no good at it. I’m sure many of you can relate. When that little voice inside gets a hold, your dreams can wilt very quickly.
