A Visit From Grandma – Visual Verse Publication

Visual Verse March 2017I’m delighted to announce a new publication on Visual Verse. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I absolutely love their monthly picture prompts and try my best to take part each month. The aim is to look at the picture and then give yourself 1 hour to write up to 500 words. The picture changes every month and they publish submitted pieces throughout the month so be sure to check back often. I have found that they tend to publish most pieces on a Friday.

The submission process is simple and there is a form to submit right on the website beside the picture. Unfortunately, you don’t get notified when your piece is published or if it’s published. The first time I was published on the site I got a mention on Twitter and that is how I became aware of it. Now, I tend to check every couple of days once I’ve submitted something.

This month’s picture was great and I had a piece ready in minutes. My short piece is titled “A Visit From Grandma” and I really enjoyed writing it. I love how the picture generates something different from everyone and if you read the published stories and poems on the site you will see just how different they are. The picture evokes memories and different scenarios for everyone.

The submission is open to the end of the month so why not have a look at the picture, see what comes to mind, and submit it today.

I hope you enjoy reading A Visit From Grandma and please do let me know what you think in the comments.

Until next time,

Keep Writing,



2 comments on “A Visit From Grandma – Visual Verse Publication

    1. Amanda J Evans

      Thanks, Enda, glad you enjoyed reading it. It was a great prompt this month. Can’t wait to see next month’s picture.


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