I came across something very interesting this morning. Actually, it appeared as an ad on the sidebar of my Facebook page. It was for Writer’s Village which by the way has some very interesting posts that you might want to read. Getting back to the point, they are offering a free ebook called “Contest Writing Profit Report”. This is a 27 page ebook packed with information on writing contests and how to win them. It tells you what contest to avoid and what ones are worth entering. Chapter 6 of the book explains what judges look for and how they assess your short story. There are actually 7 key ways that contests are judged and just having this information will give you an advantage. You will also find information on what to do when you win contests and how to maximise on this.
For a free ebook there really is a lot of information to take in and if you are someone who is interested in entering short story competitions this is a valuable read. Writer’s Village is run by John Yeoman who is himself a published author and writer with over 40 years experience. Let’s face it, this guy knows what he’s talking about and any professional advice and guidance is always appreciated when you are starting out.
This is my little nugget of free information for today so enjoy and please share it with your writing friends.
Amanda J Evans is an award-winning Irish author and writing coach. Amanda writes adult romance that often crosses into paranormal and fantasy. Growing up with heroes like Luke Skywalker and Indiana Jones, her stories centre on good versus evil with a splice of love and magic thrown in too. Her books have all won awards and her novella, Hear Me Cry, won the Book of the Year Award at the Dublin Writers Conference 2018. Amanda is also the author of Surviving Suicide: A Memoir from Those Death Left Behind, published in 2012.