How To Change Your Life – The Easy Way

how to change your lifeIf you want to know how to change your life, the first thing you need to do is be true to yourself. Being true to ourselves is something that many find difficult to do. We let other people’s opinions and words sway our judgement and take us away from our own inner truth.  We look outside for answers. We look to change others or expect others to complete us.

This is so very wrong.

We are already whole and complete in our natural state.  We have all the wisdom and knowledge we need and we have our own inner guidance system to show us the way.

So many people are feeling lost at the moment.  They are wanting change, wanting happiness, and wanting guidance.  The one thing these people don’t seem to realise is that they have the power to do all this themselves.

If you have a problem you will also have the answer if you look within.

If you want to find happiness all you have to do is make the conscious decision to be happy and then place your focus on the good things in your life.

If you need guidance on anything, you will find it inside yourself.

Dr. Wayne Dyer – A True Teacher on How To Change Your Life

One of my favourite quotes is from Dr. Wayne Dyer who said, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”  This is such a powerful quote and it is also very true.  If you are constantly looking at what is wrong in your life, your relationship or your career, that is all you will see.  If you change how you look at these things and try only to pay attention to the good points this is what you will start to see and recognise.

[su_quote cite=”Dr. Wayne Dyer”]Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.[/su_quote]

If you are constantly complaining about your partner and only seeing the bad parts of your relationship, then this is where your focus is.  It’s hard to change this but if you decide that you want a better relationship with your partner, the first thing you have to do is start looking for the good points.  It can be something as small as them making you a cup of tea, putting out the bins, smiling and saying good morning.  The small things will add up and when you place your focus here, things will start to change.  You won’t be looking for the bad things and they will begin to slip away.

Another thing that Dr. Wayne Dyer said is, “what you think about expands.”  If you are only thinking about positive things they will expand and if you only think about negative things they will expand.  The mind really is an amazing creation with so much power.  It is time to tap into the power of your own mind and your own being if you want to create change in your life.  No one else can make you happy.  You can share your happiness with them and create more happiness but you have to feel happy within yourself first.

[su_quote cite=”Dr. Wayne Dyer”]What you think about expands[/su_quote]

If you want to change your life, you have to start with you, your thoughts and your mind.  Begin with you and your whole world can change.

Until next time,



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