Author Interview with Sharon Thompson @sharontwriter #Indulgeinwriting #womenwriters #WritersWise #writerslife

Today on my blog I’m delighted to introduce you all to a wonderful Irish writer and friend, Sharon Thompson. Sharon is widely known in the Irish writing scene and her first novel released in January this year with a bestseller tag. How amazing is that? Anyway, I’ll let Sharon tell you all about herself and her writing journey.

Sharon Thompson

Interview with Irish Author Sharon Thompson

Tell me a little bit about yourself? is my website. I run a fee-paying writing group and a trending, tweet-chat #WritersWise Short stories of mine can be found in various online literary magazines. My columns feature in three online magazines; Donegal Woman, Self-Starter magazine and I also have a regular guest blog on Ireland’s leading writing website ‘The Abandoned’ my debut, crime novel launched in January 2018 as a #1 Best-seller, Kindle Irish crime with Bloodhound Books UK and… my second novel ‘The Healer’ is due out in January 2019.

How long have you been writing? 

I started writing in a serious way about six years ago.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Was it a gradual decision or did you just suddenly know?

I suddenly knew and still can’t quite believe it! Writing heals me and makes me content.

Do you have an agent/publisher and how did you find the experience of getting one?

I have an agent and it proved to be an adventure finding one. Getting a publisher was difficult but the digital, Bloodhound Books UK, have been great to work with. Never give up on finding an agent or publisher. If I can do it, anyone can.

What are your tips for dealing with rejection?

I find rejection mostly comes in the form of me being ‘ignored’. Over the years, I cut my writing teeth submitting short stories and I didn’t dwell too much on rejections. I tweaked the stories and entered them elsewhere. You simply cannot let it get to you. To keep writing, you must just love it and forget the negativity.

What genres do you write? 

Crime and dark historical fiction is my genre. However, I like short stories and have been long-listed too in a literary festival play competition. I read romance and commercial fiction and hope some of my own will be published someday. Poetry intrigues me and I aim to try some.

What is your favourite story or character that you have written?

My latest character is my favourite. Her name is Molly McCarthy and she features in ‘The Abandoned’ and now has a new novel, all to herself. It will be released in Jan 2019 and is called ‘The Healer.’ I tend to write with one lead character in either the first point of view or third person. But, the main character is to the fore and I get to know them very well and have a soft spot for them. I like to write Irish characters and I’ve created a modern character called Arthur McNally, who is looking for love and life again at 68 years old. I do love Arthur too.

What time of day do you prefer to write?

I write in the mornings and keep the hours 9am-5pm. Luckily, I write full-time and can snatch time and be ruthless in my routine if the flow is good on my work in progress.

Do you have a special writing space? 

An old desk in my living room is my writing space. It has far too much storage space in it and although it is clear from clutter on top, beware if you open a drawer!

Do you outline your books ahead of time or just go for it?

I prefer to ‘go for it’ and am a pantser at heart. Saying that sometimes I might plan a little but usually, this changes too.

Who are your favourite authors?

This is such a hard question! I love many contemporary authors. Liz Nugent, David Lyons, Louise Phillips, Andrea Mara all are amongst my favourites.

If you could recommend one book that everyone should read, what would it be?

Lord of the Flies by William Golding. It is probably why I like dark fiction.

Your latest book The Abandoned is a historical, crime fiction, what was the inspiration behind it and is there anything you would like readers to know?

‘The Abandoned’ follows Peggy Bowden who is a backstreet abortionist and brothel owner in 1950s Dublin. I wanted to explore the struggles of women and wondered what makes someone decide to walk down a dark path? It is all about whether Peggy can ever get back on the straight and narrow and will she have to pay for her crimes? Set against the backdrop of Ireland in the 1950’s ‘The Abandoned’ tells the story of one woman’s fight for survival and her journey into the underbelly of a dangerous criminal world.

Your latest work in progress The Healer is a historical, crime fiction, what was the inspiration behind it and is there anything you would like readers to know?

‘The Healer’ is about Molly McCarthy who is a child in 1940s Ireland. Molly must listen to her angels, to heal, survive and find happiness. With the ability to see her guardian angels, Molly has gifts as a healer. She has a special place in my heart and I hope she captures readers.

Is this a series and if so how many books are planned for the series?

‘The Abandoned’ and ‘The Healer’ are connected but they are not a series as such. They will be stand-alones. I would love to write a family saga or series though.

Where can readers find out more about you?

@sharontwriter is my twitter handle. is my website and #WritersWise #Indulgeinwriting and #Indulgeinbooks are hashtags I use. Thank you for including me in your blog and fantastic website.

The Abandoned By Sharon Thompson

The Abandoned by Sharon Thompson

Peggy Bowden has not had an easy life. As a teenager, her mother was committed to an asylum and then a local priest forced her into an abusive marriage. But when her husband dies in an accident Peggy sees an opportunity to start again and trains as a midwife.

In 1950s Dublin it is not easy for a woman to make a living and Peggy sees a chance to start a business and soon a lucrative maternity home is up and running.

But when Peggy realizes that the lack of birth control is an issue for women, she uses their plight as a way to make more money. Very soon Peggy is on the wrong side of the law.

What makes a woman decide to walk down a dark path? Can Peggy ever get back on the straight and narrow? Or will she have to pay for her crimes?

Set against the backdrop of Ireland in the 1950’s The Abandoned tells the story of one woman’s fight for survival and her journey into the underbelly of a dangerous criminal world.

The Abandoned is a debut novel not to be missed, it will appeal to fans of authors like Cara Hunter, Joy Ellis and Helen Fields

The Abandoned is available in ebook and paperback from all retailers including Amazon.

Thanks so much to Sharon for being a guest on my blog. I hope you all enjoyed reading her answers.

Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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