Interview with Author Mary Bradford @marytbrad #Irishauthor #AuthorInterview

Today on my blog, I’m delighted to bring you an interview with another Irish author Mary Bradford. Mary has kindly taken the time out of her busy writing schedule to answer my questions and I hope you’ll all enjoy learning more about her.

Author Mary Bradford

Interview with Author Mary Bradford

Tell me a little bit about yourself?

Married and a mother of four and also Nana to two little boys at present. From Cork, so Irish. I’m a middle child and it was a case of too young for the older two and too old for the younger two. But I am very close to my siblings and this reflects in my writing. I cover family relationships, friendships and how life is seen from different viewpoints within the same family.

How long have you been writing?

Oh so long now that I can’t recall when I started. I do remember writing letters to friends abroad that would be ten pages of foolscap or A4 as it’s now known. Wow, I really am showing my age, does anyone write letters nowadays?

When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Was it a gradual decision or did you just suddenly know?

I never saw myself as a writer. It just seemed to evolve to what I did once my family were raised and time became mine again.

Do you have an agent/publisher and how did you find the experience of getting one?

I don’t have an agent but seeking one for the first time this year after receiving advice to do so. I have a publisher, Tirgearr Publishing that my first two novels and a novella are with. It was a daunting task, because I was totally green when it came to seeking either. I assumed you wrote a book, sent it to publishers and then after so many rejections you found a publisher. I was blessed my first novel I’d ever written was published, which I believe does not always happen.

What are your tips for dealing with rejection?

Acceptance. Once you say to yourself, not everyone is going to want my work, but someone out there will, then you move on. It applies to all creative styles. We are individuals’ so we all can’t like the same thing.

What genres do you write?

I write mainly Contemporary/Women’s which my novels are, but also I have dabbled in Western and Erotic fiction. I was asked to write two western novellas by a group of writers in the USA, which I did and I loved the research involved for that era. I see myself going back to it sometime. It was the same for the erotic/adult romance, I was offered the challenge by my publisher for their Hot City Night Series. I say challenge because it had strict guidelines to write to. A challenge is always a good thing.

What time of day do you prefer to write?

There is no set time of day, but I do feel better when I write in the morning.

Do you have a special writing space?

I am going to my local library for eight years to write.

Do you outline your books ahead of time or just go for it?

I just go for it. I usually know the idea/plot I want to write and how I think it will end. But I never know what the next scene will be or the next word is until I sit down and hit the keyboard.

Who are your favourite authors?

I have too many to name plus if I’m honest, I cannot for the life of me recall names or titles, but I can tell you the type of cover!!

If you could recommend one book that everyone should read, what would it be?

Gosh what a brilliant question, can I say mine? See above answer for not knowing names, sorry Amanda.

Your latest book Don’t Call Me Mum is women’s fiction, what was the inspiration behind it and is there anything you would like readers to know?

This book, my second published novel is a follow up to My Husband’s Sin. The main character, Lacey Taylor is on a quest in book one and I was thrilled and a bit chuffed when readers while leaving their great reviews asked me what happened next to Lacey. So that is how it came about and I am also thrilled to say those loyal readers have asked for a third, which I am writing. But that’s it then for the Taylor family I promise. Each book though can be read as a stand-alone novel.

Is this a series and if so how many books are planned for the series?

I am working on the last book of this trilogy at present. My publishers have named the series, The Lacey Taylor Story.

Where can readers find out more about you?

I have a website, and also a newsletter that readers might like to sign up for. Readers can go to my author page at

Also I’m on Facebook, Twitter @marytbrad, Goodreads, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Is there a question I haven’t asked that you would love to answer?

I think your questions have been great and covered all. I would like to add that if anyone reading this is thinking about writing, go for it. Everything can be managed with baby steps. That’s my motto, take it in baby steps and you will get there. Plus read, reading is important if you are a writer. I joined my local library when I was five years old, maybe I was destined to be a writer all those years ago.

What are your working on now and when is your next book due out?

I am working on the final book of The Lacey Taylor Story, titled Too Late Now. I also have another novel, which has a working title, Cregane Court which is out seeking an agent at present. No dates yet fixed for publication.

Don’t Call Me Mum: The Lacey Taylor Story #2 by Mary Bradford

Raised by a cold stepmother, Lacey Taylor’s life was turned upside down by the stroke of a pen, putting her on a path to find her birth mother, Cora Maguire. But Cora is not the maternal type. For her, her career is paramount to everything else, including her only child, Lacey. Their relationship is, at best, strained. Lacey struggles for Cora’s affection, but when her life-path takes an unplanned twist, Cora becomes furious. Lacey’s half-siblings, the Taylors, want to help, but they have their own demons that threaten to rip the family apart.

How often can Lacey deal with life’s struggles without finally succumbing to them?

Don’t Call Me Mum is available to purchase now in Kindle format from Amazon.

Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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