#IrishIndependentAuthorsCollective: #IIAC Author Interview with K.A Denver @K_A_Denver for #IrishIndieAuthors @IrishIndAuthorsC

Welcome to the weekly Irish Independent Authors Collective (IIAC) author interviews. Today on my blog, I’m delighted to introduce you all to K A Denver. I hope you all enjoy learning more about Kathy and be sure to check out her books.

Fallen by K A Denver

Irish Independent Authors’ Collective – K A Denver

Tell me a little bit about yourself and why you decided to join the Irish Independent Authors’ Collective?

I joined IIAC because I am a proud Irish Independent Author and I think that is something to shout to the world about. I am happy I have found others who feel the same from various genres.

How long have you been writing and why did you decide on self-publishing?

I have been writing since I was a teenager which is many years ago now. I stopped when I discovered boys and discos and all those fun things. I picked up on it once again when my 2nd child was a few years old. I researched for a storyline set on a serial killer with physic powers. After plotting and writing the bare bones of the story I began to write in earnest. I got roughly 50-60K words into it when the computer died via the “Blue Screen of Death” which killed any enthusiasm I had.

I never started to write again until three years ago when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Between taking care of him and our kids I began a YA novella. But a friend on Facebook was running an event and suggested that I write for it. That was how my first novel was born. It began life as a short story about a male warrior witch and after receiving enquiries as to where the whole thing could be purchased, I sat and wrote it into a full novel.

Before publishing, I researched the pro’s and con’s of traditional publishing vs self-publishing. I loved everything self-publishing stood for and still does. I also loved the kinship between indie authors.

Being the control freak I am, self-publishing appealed to me on so many levels. I design my own covers, I have a group of 32 people who beta read for me, two editors and I format my own stuff. In all aspects, I keep hold of the reigns and I don’t think anything short of a massive publishing deal (and I mean MASSIVE) would entice me to publish any other way.

Do you think the stigma surround self-publishing is lessening?

From what I have witnessed and experienced I would have to say it boils down to what you will accept as an indie author. I do not accept that indie authors are of less value or creative worth than that of a traditionally published author.

If anything, I think we work harder, and we are more in tune with not only the market but with what readers want.

Traditional publishing is losing its grip on the literary world and in my opinion, it is down to its inability to recognise just how fierce we as indie authors are, and just how adept we are at doing what they have held reign over for so long.  Indie authors in many genres have worked their butts off and have built pretty impressive fan bases, we are just as equal to any traditionally published author.

What do you feel the hardest part of self-publishing is?

Without a doubt that would have to be marketing. It takes up so much time, so much effort and if you don’t know how to do it, it takes up so much time reading, researching and putting into practice. It is where many great indie authors fail, myself included.

What genres do you write?

I write Adult and Young Adult. I also write in many different genres ranging from contemporary fantasy, romance, horror and recently reverse harem. In the past I wrote for the love of writing, but after researching a few things I have admitted to myself that I want to make a living from writing. I want to be able to do this full time and to do that I have to write to market. This is how I began to write romance and in particular reverse harem fantasy romance.

What is your favourite story or character that you have written?

I love Eli and the story of The Forest of Ancestors. He is such a complex character and carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. After losing his parents at an early age he was guided by the coven matriarch and along with his fellow friends and warriors, he keeps the world safe from demonic entities. I love the bond he has with his friends and especially his familiar, Parker his cat.

What time of day do you prefer to write?

My day starts at 6am, but I only settle down to write at about 7am. I like to write before the house awakes and the noise of family life starts.

Do you have a special writing space?

My first book was written at the kitchen breakfast bar. My novella was written at the dining room table and that is where I have stayed. I would love a little room to sit in, enjoying peace and quiet, but hey…I can dream.

Do you outline your books ahead of time or just go for it?

I freewheeled it with my first book and my short horror, but each book after has been planned out.

Who are your favourite Irish authors?

I have a few, but one I greatly admire is Roddy Doyle and as stupid as it sounds I discovered him via my kids. He is one of few authors who can make me laugh out loud. He has a way with words and how he builds a scene that captures the child in all of us.

Your latest book Fallen is a reverse harem sub-genre in the fantasy romance main genre, what was the inspiration behind it and is there anything you would like readers to know?

I love writing fantasy. So even though I loved writing Forest of Ancestors, I have not made a living from it. Not that it is bad, but more that I wrote it with no one in mind other than myself and telling a story.

For this next book, I researched which genres and sub-genres were popular with hungry and loyal readers. I then bought and read over 15 books in the genre so that I could work out the key points that are favourites of readers.

I made a decision that even though I wanted to make a living from writing, I was going to have to make some concessions. I was going to have to write to market. So that is what I am currently doing.

I have written this new series under a pen name as I know that readers who enjoy my older work may not necessarily enjoy this genre.

Is your latest book part of a series and if so how many books are planned for the series?

Yes, my latest is the first book in what is, at the minute, a three-book series. But it has potential to be expanded if there is a demand for it.

Where can readers find out more about you?

Usually from my blog, I write two. One is for my writing and books that I have read and enjoyed kadenver.blogspot.com. The other is for my other passion, supernatural, paranormal, and conspiracy theories weirdlyparanormal.blogspot.com. You can also find me on social media, www.facebook.com/KADenver/, twitter.com/K_A_Denver, Amazon Author Page (UK), Amazon Author Page (USA), Goodreads Author Page

Forest of the Ancestors by K A Denver

Forest of the Ancestors by KA Denver

Eli is not your average witch, he is a member of a group of elite male warriors fighting evil entities that torment the non-magical world.

However, when one of their leaders is murdered, questions are raised and an ancient foe of Dark Witches, who was previously thought to be long gone, reappears.

It will take all their abilities to defeat this enemy with the possible help of an unlikely ally.
Knowing the past will lead them to unexpected revelation which erupts into a battle unlike any other. Eli is about to discover all is not as it seems and life has plenty of tricks up its sleeve.

In Forest of Ancestors, the first book of The Guardians series, K A Denver weaves magic, romance and betrayal into a thrilling fantasy with a contemporary flare.

Forest of the Ancestors is available in ebook and paperback from Amazon.

Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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