Stolen Identity Part 10

We left Emily yesterday with the revelation that Jonathan plans to have her killed and that her mother believes she’s run away. Does Robert really have an escape plan?

Stolen Identity Part 10

Stolen Identity Part 10

Mother thinks I’ve run away. Body?

“And Clara?” Annie asked before I had time to take in what Jonathan had said.

He laughed. “Oh, my dear, Annie. Clara is exactly where I want her. The silly girl believes Henry loves her. She has no idea.”

“I knew Henry would work.” Annie’s smug voice caused my jaw to clench.

“Indeed, better than I anticipated, and it saved the bother of having to dispose of another of my brother’s offspring. In fact, I couldn’t have planned it better myself. It was Clara’s idea to use the girl. Quite clever really. She gained her trust, promised to help her family. Silly thing had no idea what Clara was up to. She’s quite resourceful, my niece, when she wants something.”

“And where is Clara now?”

Annie’s voice drifted away from me as Jonathan’s words sank in. Clara planned this. She used me. She knew what would happen that night? My hands balled into fists, nails breaking the skin’s surface. Dark clouds rolled above me, but they were nothing compared to the storm raging inside me.

“…with Henry. She’ll stay with me until this is over. I’ve already convinced William of Henry’s suitability. The fear of losing another child should never be underestimated, Annie. Clara will do as she’s told, and Henry will ensure everything is mine.”

I could hear the smile in Jonathan’s voice. He’d done all this, but for what?

“Ours you mean,” Annie said.

“Of course, Annie dear.”

“I best return,” Annie said. “The sooner this is over, the better. I’m tired of keeping up the charade.”

“It will all be over soon and we’ll both have our revenge on William.”

No further conversation was had, but I remained hidden for fear of being discovered. Silence chewed at my fragile mind as I recounted their words over and over again. Clara betrayed me. I’d been a fool to trust her. Never again.

A sombre tune floated on the air. I peeped over the hedge. Robert sat on the bench; his head tipped skyward as he whistled. He looked peaceful, his sandy hair flopping towards the ground as his lips formed a circle to let the sound flow. Did he know?

I scrambled around the hedge. “They think you’re dead!”

He startled and sat upright. “Emily!”

“And he plans to dispose of me too.”

“Slow down.” He held his hands out in front of him. “What’s happened?”

“I heard them; I know everything.”

He stood and moved towards me. Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and I broke. “It was all a lie. She wasn’t my friend.”

“There, there.” Robert patted my back as tears streamed down my face.

“How could I have been so stupid. I’m nobody. Why would she befriend me?”

Robert pulled back and lifted my chin. He stared into my eyes. “You are not a nobody. Take a deep breath and tell me what these tears are all about.”

We sat and I told him what I’d heard. Robert’s eyes widened with shock before he buried his head in his hands. “That’s why they never came for me. Poor mother, what must she have gone through.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, not knowing what else I could do to comfort him.

“He’ll not get away with it.” Robert leapt to his feet; hands curled into fists. “I have work to do, Emily. Plans to make.”

“Wait,” I called after him.

“Meet me here tomorrow. Same time.”

He left and I sat going over everything in my head. Clara had known all along I’d be taken here and held for a month. She destroyed my life to get out of marriage. I recalled the conversation I’d had with my mother about getting married and how I’d argued about wanting to find love. Would I have done the same? No, no I wouldn’t. I shook my head to dislodge the thoughts. Clara wasn’t what I thought. She was conniving and nasty and she took from me.

My mind whirled as I strolled back to my room. By the time I reached it, revenge consumed me.


Robert waited by the bench the next day, smiling as I approached. Dark circles under his eyes told me he hadn’t slept. I’d tossed and turned most of the night too.

“You look awful,” he said, pushing a hand through his dishevelled hair.

“Same to you.”

He grinned. “Sit. We have much to discuss. I spent the entire night thinking. You need to let my parents know I’m alive, Emily. They are the only ones who can get me out of this place.”

“What! You said there were tunnels, passages that I could use to escape. Can’t you use them yourself?”

His hand covered mine. Warm skin sent a tingle throughout my body. “We can’t escape. Don’t you see? We have to be smarter. Fool Jonathan into thinking he’s won.”

“I…I don’t understand.”

Robert squeezed my hand and I looked up into his deep blue eyes. “He’ll be here tomorrow. He’ll tell you how he’s going to swap you and Clara.”

“I don’t care about that.” I ripped my hand out from under his. “She tricked me. It’s her fault. I’m not letting her away with it.” I swiped at a tear threatening to fall.

“I feared you’d see it that way.”

“What way? The truth. I’ve been locked up in this prison. Tortured. What other way is there to see it?”

“Uncle Jonathan is the one to blame. Clara is but a child. She meant no harm, I’m sure of it.”

“You’ve been here four years, Robert. You can’t know what Clara is like. I won’t help her.”

I stood to leave. I’d heard enough.

Robert grabbed my hand. “Please, Emily. Let me finish.”

I sat and listened. His plan made sense even if parts of it caused my teeth to clench. “Fine. I’ll do it, but only because you don’t deserve to be here. But I warn you. If she says anything, I will make her pay.”

“She’s going to pay, believe me. And a lot more than you think.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked.

Robert smiled and held my hand until forced to let go as I walked away.


What have Robert and Emily got planned? Come back tomorrow to find out.

Below are the links to the previous instalments and if you don’t want to wait until tomorrow, you can pop over to Amazon where you can purchase the complete story on Kindle for 99c/77p.

Stolen Identity Part 1
Stolen Identity Part 2
Stolen Identity Part 3
Stolen Identity Part 4
Stolen Identity Part 5
Stolen Identity Part 6
Stolen Identity Part 7
Stolen Identity Part 8
Stolen Identity Part 9

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Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,



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