Stolen Identity Part 11

Almost at the end of the story now and it seems Robert and Emily have an escape plan. What will it involve and will it work?

Stolen Identity Part 11

Stolen Identity Part 11

Annie was waiting for me outside Dr Marsh’s room. The session went well, and I’d kept up the charade of being Clara. Much as I hated to do it, I couldn’t do anything else until I’d met with Jonathan.

“Your uncle is waiting. Hurry up.” Annie’s bitter tone crept along my skin, but I held my tongue and followed quietly.

Jonathan stood with his back to us as we approached. Annie cleared her throat and he turned. “Emily, lovely to see you again. Take a seat.”

My teeth clenched as I narrowed my gaze at him and took a seat on the bench.

“Such loathing, I see. Come now, it’s almost over and your family will be rewarded for your service.” Jonathan smirked as he sat beside me on the bench.

Take a deep breath. You can do this.

“In three days, you and Clara will resume your own lives. Annie will bring Clara in through the staff entrance and up to your room. You will inform her of your meetings with Dr Marsh. Tell her everything she needs to know.” He frowned at me. “Are you listening to me, Emily? It’s rather important that you carry out my instructions precisely.”

“I’m listening.”

“Good. Annie will take Clara to Dr Marsh’s office when the time is right. You must remain out of sight. Annie will return for you and take you to safety.”

“Will you take me home?”

“I’m afraid not. I will arrive with Clara, but then I have to leave to collect her parents and bring them here. Dr Marsh will need them to sign the release papers.”

“Oh.” My hands curled around the folds of my dress.

“You have no need to worry, Emily. You have played your role. Annie will see to it that you are escorted off the premises and I will send my carriage to take you home.”

“Thank you.” I did my best not to spit the words at him.

“Annie tells me you met someone here in the garden.” He shifted closer to me on the seat. “Who was he?”

“I don’t know. We only spoke for a moment. Annie called him Simon. I’ve not seen him since.”

His shoulders relaxed and I heard him exhale. “What did you talk about?”

“The roses. They’re my favourite flower. He said he liked the peace and quiet of the garden.”

“Is that all?” Jonathan watched me closely.


“And you haven’t spoken to him since.”

I swallowed and spoke softly. “No.”

“Very good.” He stood and brushed imaginary dust from his clothes. “You’ve done very well, Emily. Keep it up and I will see to it that you never need for anything again.”

“Thank you, sir.” My stomach lurched and I bit my tongue to stop myself lashing out at him.

“Come, Annie, we have matters to discuss.”

They left and I balled my hands into fists. He lied so easily. He probably believed himself. I’d show him though. If Robert’s plan worked, I’d have my freedom and a lot more.

A twig snapped and Robert appeared from behind the bushes.

“Were you listening?” I asked as he moved closer.

“Yes. I heard every word and I followed them. He’s quite the planner is uncle Jonathan.”

“What did you hear?” My pulse quickened.

Robert shook his head. “No matter what happens, do not get into his carriage.”

“That bad?” I asked picking at the bench.

“I’m afraid so.” Robert lowered his gaze.

“He plans to kill me, doesn’t he?”

Robert looked at me. “That won’t happen, Emily. My plan will work. When Clara arrives, you must tell her everything. She’ll listen.”

“I know you think she will, but if you’re wrong—”

“I’m not. She’s been fooled by Jonathan too. I know she has.”


I left Robert in the garden and returned to my room. His plan to tell Clara that her uncle had tricked her, and that Henry wasn’t in love with her might have sounded good, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. Robert had nothing to lose. I had my life. I wouldn’t put that in jeopardy.

The next two days passed as normal or as normal as life in an asylum can be. The morning of my release arrived and try as I might, I couldn’t stop the dread that curled inside. When Annie pushed open my door and shoved Clara inside before slamming it shut again my heart raced.

Clara had a beaming smile. “Emily, you look wonderful. I’m so grateful to you. You have no idea.” She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

When she pulled back my hand flew of its own accord. The resounding crack and the sting of my palm shocked me. Clara’s eyes watered and widened as she cradled her cheek, red blooming under her fingertips.

“How could you?” I shrieked. “I trusted you and you put me in here and left my family to starve.” I paced the bedroom, afraid that if I stood still, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

“No…I didn’t. I wouldn’t,” Clara said, still holding her cheek. “We’re friends. It was you who agreed to the charade. Uncle Jonathan told me so.”

“Well, he lied,” I said, stopping in front of her.

“No.” She shook her head. “He said you agreed, that he promised compensation for your family…that—”

“He did no such thing. I was thrown in here, tortured and coerced, and…” A sob halted my words and I sucked in a deep breath.

“I don’t understand.” Clara’s shaky voice tugged at me.

She spoke the truth. She had no idea, truly she didn’t. “Sit.” I pointed to the bed; my tone softer. She sat, tears running down her face. “I’m sorry,” I said, taking her hand in mine. “It seems we’ve both been fooled.” I explained all I’d heard the day in the garden.

Clara gasped before succumbing to uncontrollable sobs. “Henry’s not…he’s…oh god, no.” She looked up at me, her eyes begging me to take the words back.

“We have a plan. A way to ensure your uncle pays for his treachery,” I said trying to calm Clara down.

“What is it?” she sobbed.

“Annie will be here shortly to escort you to Dr Marsh’s office. Your parents will be there to take you home as will your uncle. Once you leave my room with Annie, I am supposed to make my way to the staff quarters. I won’t. Instead, Simon and I will make our way to Dr Marsh’s office and confront your uncle.”

“Who is this Simon you speak of?” Clara asked.

“I can’t say. I’m sorry. But all will be revealed, and your uncle will pay.”

“I hope so.” Clara sniffed and wiped her sleeve across her face. “I’m sorry, for everything, but I promise you, your family has been taken care of. I sent food packages to your mother every day.”


“I sent them with Patrick, the stable boy. I sent letters too. One every week to say you were well and happy, and enjoying your work.”

It was my turn to swipe at my face. “Thank you.”

“It’s what friends are for, isn’t it?”

“Your uncle said my mother showed up at your home and was sent away.”

Clara placed a hand on mine. “It matters not. You can tell her the truth later and I’m sure mother will find a place for you in our home. Food shall never be a concern for you again.”

The door swung open and Annie stood with a smug look on her face. “Clara, I will escort you to Dr Marsh’s office. Your parents and uncle await.” She turned to me and scowled. “Get to the kitchen. Evelyn will take you out back and show you where to go.”

I didn’t reply. Clara hugged me tightly. “Be careful,” she whispered, before following Annie.

The door closed and I jumped off the bed. I tore open the wardrobe, ripped off the cotton shift, and scrambled into the evening gown. I had a part to play. Three quick knocks on the door signalled Robert was ready. I ran my hands over the gown and took one last look in the mirror.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked as I swung open the door.

“Yes, you?”

“I’m not quite sure, to be honest. Four years is a long time to convince yourself of something you know. I believed his lies, believed they’d disowned me. I need to see it for myself. Look my parents in the eyes.” He lowered his gaze and my heart clenched at his obvious pain. I couldn’t imagine my mother disowning me.

“They didn’t know you were here. They thought you dead.”

“We’ll see.”

We crept down the hallway, high on alert in case Annie should appear and ruin everything.

“No one’s coming,” Robert said after I’d turned for the fourth time.

“I know, I’m just checking. She’s always lurking about.”

“Who, Annie?”

I nodded.

“Not today. I made arrangements. She’s dealing with Phyllis. She’s had one of her episodes.”

I was about to ask him to explain, but he shook his head and smiled. He was too calm.


So close to the end now. Make sure to come back tomorrow to see how things play out and if Emily and Robert get what they’re after.

Below are the links to the previous instalments and if you don’t want to wait until tomorrow, you can pop over to Amazon where you can purchase the complete story on Kindle for 99c/77p.

Stolen Identity Part 1
Stolen Identity Part 2
Stolen Identity Part 3
Stolen Identity Part 4
Stolen Identity Part 5
Stolen Identity Part 6
Stolen Identity Part 7
Stolen Identity Part 8
Stolen Identity Part 9
Stolen Identity Part 10

Buy Stolen Identity on Kindle: 
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Until next time,

Keep reading and writing,




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